Dr. Kobby Mensah (Co-Investigator)


Dr. Kobby Mensah
University of Ghana Business School
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Dr. Kobby Mensah is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Ghana Business School (UGBS). His research interests are in health, tourism and political marketing. In recent times Kobby has been involved in consumer behaviour research in health. He is part of an international team of researchers, led by the University of Sheffield, investigating what drives unhealthy dietary changes in order to prevent diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.  Kobby’s participation in this study, as a marketing faculty, is as a result of the consumer behaviour and the marketing communication perspectives to the project. Kobby is the Chair of the Sales and Marketing Compliance Committee of Accra Brewery Ltd (ABL), an AB InBev Company. He is also the Board Chair of Brand Care Ltd., a marketing and reputation management company, and the convener of the Destination Legon Tourism Marketing Exhibition in Ghana. Over the years Kobby has established himself as one of the leading academic voices in Political Marketing, Tourism Marketing and Financial Services Marketing in Africa, as some of his key areas of teaching and research interests. Kobby’s opinion on these areas are widely sought by international and local media such as BBC, DW, GTV, Multimedia, Daily Graphic, SABC amongst other global news brands. Kobby is proficient in social media management and their conversion from on-line to on-the-ground engagement. He has a number of publications in reputable international academic journals. He holds a PhD from University of Sheffield, UK, Certificate in Teaching from University of Sheffield, UK, MSc. International Marketing Strategy from the School of Business and Finance, Sheffield Hallam University, UK, and Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing (PgDipM) from Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM UK). Other credentials include Coordinator, Constitution Dialogue Series, CeDRA/British High Commission (BHC) collaboration; Chartered Member, Chartered Institute of Marketing (ACIM), UK; Member, Political Marketing Specialist Group (PMSG) of the Political Studies Association (PSA), UK; Member, Institute of Public Relations, Ghana; Associate Editor, African Journal of Management Research, UGBS; Guest Reviewer, Africa Today Journal, USA; Member, Palgrave McMillan Board on Political Marketing Management Book Series.